Before I remove the ugly pink paint, I think I should clear out a work space. While I was cleaning the leather trim I had the trunk on the floor and I realised that I was going to be bending down a lot for this project. I figured I should get the trunk up on something so my lazy butt isn't bending over every 5 minutes. The old spinal cord isn't what it used to be ! This trunk obviously needs a lot of work, I plan on putting in many hours, so I may as well get comfortable.
I reorganized this disaster of a mess, moved the hunting equipment that nobody uses any more onto an old folding table, and cleared off this old work bench which is actually a toy workbench from when I was a child. It is solid wood, has a little shelf underneath it for tools and various doodads and whatnots but it was a bit wobbly. I tightened up the screws, got the wobble out of it and placed the steam trunk on top of it. PERFECTO ! It seems to be the perfect height. This should make life a bit easier !
Suggestion: If your planning on restoring one of these old steam trunks, clear out a nice work space for yourself. Make sure you have plenty of light so you can see what you're doing. Get yourself comfortable, find a place to get your tools organized, make sure the trunk sits at a comfortable height and get ready for some work !
Cost And Time : I'm adding this to project time. It took about 30 minutes making the project time total 1 hour. Cost for a clean, organized workspace 0 dollars but absolutely priceless. Making the total investment in this project 0 bucks. So far I'm getting off pretty cheap Don't worry I suspect I'll be shelling out some cash soon.
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